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Ministry Report: February 2024

(Photo by Nathan Warren)

February has come and gone. How was your month?

If you are in Japan you may be feeling the effects of pollen! As for me, I'm trying not to think about it...!

ENCOUNTER Fellowship time

The Encounter team got together for a belated New Years party.

We don't have much time to talk when we're serving together so it was nice catching up with each other.

To be honest with you, I'm not a huge fan of get-togethers. So when I plan a fellowship and if some people are reluctant to come I totally understand how they feel because naturally, that's how I am! The reason why I plan it is not because I feel excited about it but because I believe that it would be good for us. I hope that someday God will bring someone who loves organizing fellowship gatherings to our team but until then I'd be happy to take on the job!

Traveling to Aichi with ENCOUNTER WORSHIP band

(Photo by Nathan Warren)

On the 17th, I went to Aichi prefecture to serve at a youth rally with my friends from Encounter. I've been wanting to go serve outside of Tokyo with my team and by God's grace it became a reality.

The more God gave me opportunities as itinerant worshipper, I've grown in faith through the encouragement and challenges that come with it. There are moments of joy, victory, gratefulness and power. There are also moments of worry, fear, feeling of inadequacy and sometimes even a slight panic! It is in those moments that I've learned the importance of prayer and to trust in His power. To lean not on my understanding. Getting out of my comfort zone and following God is such a wonderful, humbling experience that I wanted to share with my dear friends.

I asked the two singers to prepare a three minute testimony and share it before they sing their own songs. Their testimony and songs were so beautiful that it brought me to tears -- I know I wasn't the only one in the room who was touched.

Leading a team means you have more responsibilities than when you're traveling alone. Sometimes the obstacles seem like a mountain! I've learned to take things one step at a time (I trip from time to time, not gonna lie!) and to focus on the things I can do instead of the things I can't. I am grateful for our team members that came and served joyfully, making sacrifices to serve the One who became the ultimate sacrifice for us. God made it all possible - to Thee be the glory!

Tommy Walker Concert & Worship Seminar

At the end of the month I got to serve with Tommy Walker Ministries for two days out of a three day worship conference in Tokyo. It had been over a decade since the last time I got to serve with Tommy. I had the opportunity to translate his song "The Lord's Prayer" into Japanese last year and through the process was in contact with Brandon and Carlos who came to Japan as the band members. It was nice meeting everyone face to face.

Tommy had caught a cold in Korea where he was touring before he came to Japan so I got to sing much more than I was anticipating... I humbly learned my lesson to be more prepared! lol. All jokes aside, it was such a blessing to learn from a seasoned leader. Those two days I got to spend with Tommy and his team were like a breath of fresh air. God's timing is always perfect.

There were a lot more that happened this month including recording sessions for work and writing sesh with my sister Asiah. It was an eventful month.

Coming Up Next Month...

In March I will be serving at Tsukuba International Assembly Church (tica) on the 24th, Encounter Worship Service is on the 29th and I will be in Osaka on the 31st serving at Grace Mission in Yao city. I also have some writing sessions with Christian friends. Please pray for health and that I will be used as a witness for Jesus.

Lastly, There's A New Video!

My friend Tweli G. edited clips from our last Encounter Worship Service! Go check it out and if you like it, share it with your friends!

Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement. I am so grateful for all of your support.

Let's continue to build His kingdom together.

May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!




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